Sand Point Elementary

Sand Point

Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Technology

Reading and Writing Curriculum: In the fall of 2017, Seattle Public Schools adopted a new reading and writing curriculum from the Center for the Collaborative Classroom. Students engage daily with different literary experiences: reading, writing, and discussion. The authentic engagement through discussion with a variety of texts is the key to this approach. It is through this practice that students are able to develop critical thinking. Also, through self-reflection, peer feedback, and teacher feedback, students take responsibility for their learning and become a learning community.

Math Curriculum: Sand Point applied and was granted a waiver to use the Ready Math Curriculum.  Ready Math helps teachers create a rich classroom environment in which students at all levels become active, real-word problem solvers.  Students engage in discourse and develop mathematical reasoning while building strong mathematical habits.  

Science Curriculum: The school district adopted the Amplify Science curriculum and Sand Point became the latest school to engage in this work.  Amplify Science blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write and argue like real scientists and engineers.

Technology: Students learn technology integrated with their core academics, including keyboarding, presentation skills, and word processing. Students have 1-1 devices at Sand Point.

Advanced Learning Opportunities (ALO) Opportunities: At Sand Point, teachers differentiate lessons to reach all learners and challenge their skills sets. This means that within any time of the day, a teacher may adapt a lesson or task to offer more rigor, challenging students to apply higher-level thinking and complex problem-solving skills. Students may be challenged in this way throughout the day in all subjects. This can be done through questioning in whole or small groups, within partnerships, or in hands-on activities or written tasks. This classroom differentiation ultimately nurtures students to expand and explain their thinking, as a further advanced learning opportunity within the core curriculum.

ALO in Mathematics
We also offer flexible groupings in mathematics to support students in their learning progression in mathematics. Within our classroom-based instruction we often teach in small groups or have stations to individualize the learning for each child.

ALO in Science
We offer an opportunity for students to complete an individual or small group science project with a scientist mentor.

Academic Support: This year we have support for both mathematics and literacy instruction with two certificated teachers. Both instructors collaborate with classroom teachers to support students who have not yet met grade level standards in math or reading. This support is provided through small group instruction and individual instruction.