Sand Point Elementary

Sand Point

Physical Education

Our program is based on the Seattle School District adopted Five for Life Curriculum and includes units on nutrition, the five components of fitness, heart health, and goal setting, in addition to sports skills such as soccer, basketball, bowling, and more. The goal of this program is for students to gain an appreciation and understanding of the importance of staying active as a part of a healthy lifestyle. Sand Point students have PE two times per week. 

Throughout the school year, students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of creative lessons that focus on their cardio, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility as well as body composition. Each plays a role in our daily lives and we as a community at Sand Point are looking to implement a fun filled physical education class that makes students become aware of their physical and mental health now and throughout their entire life.  

  • A field day at Magnuson Park celebrates the end of the PE year with a day of field games. 
  • Students’ personal physical education portfolio is available at using your child’s 7-digit student ID and their last name.

The physical education department is looking to bring after school programs to Sand Point Elementary now that COVID restrictions are being lifted. We want to encourage our students to stay active and involved so if there are some suggestions or interests outside of school please feel free to contact me (Audrey Rausch) at:

Let’s go further together!